Alone at The Bar (Photoshoot)

It’s been almost a month since my last blog post. So let me complain  a bit, the passing of time is ridiculous! I mean ..what the hell?

I was so busy lately but I never run out of the things to write. I have done a load of photoshoot and traveled Palawan. But checking my pile of backlog albums became overwhelming. Just sorting my Palawan pics is tiresome already. There’s  too many things to write about but I don’t know where to start so I ended up slacking off. But it makes me sad. It feels like I am lacking as a person when I don’t blog or write for a long time. Do you feel the same thing blogger people?

So today, I promised myself to blog no matter what. Even it looks so-so. Just break this blocker mindset that has been keeping my flow. I decided to blog about my self-portrait shoot.

I have done this shoot on the night of August 27, 2018. This is our last night in El Nido, Palawan. We were staying at St. John Island View Pensionne House. They have this cute small bar but tourist seems not giving it attention.   I guess people were mostly tired from the tour so they are likely  just retreat in their rooms rather than spend some time at the mini-bar.


My friends and I would like to have pictures there but we ended up mostly straight to the bed once we had dinner. On our last night though, even I am so tired myself, I pushed myself to snap photos. Even just for a while. So I went there alone. Armed with a camera mounted on my small tripod, I had my self-portrait session. It’s not every day you have the whole bar for yourself. But when it happened, I don’t drink. I’ll have a photoshoot. Haha!

So here it is. I set my camera in timer with interval mode.  Every batch, I have 10 photo snaps in 5 seconds interval. It looks like a papparazi shots, just slower. My camera as always is Fuji-XA3. I didn’t use presets this time is there’s too much color already which I love.


There are empty bottles on display. I get one of those as props. Looks like its okay since no one from the reception bothered me.

When will I be truly,sincerely happy?
Tired with life
I drowned my problems with beer. But problems are damn good swimmers

Props to me. I do looks like I’m sort of drunk. I’m actually just feeling really sleepy.



Getting another drink because I can’t get enough.

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“Let’s make ipit para it looks like malaki, haha!”


There’s a ton of pictures actually but most are blurred since I’m transitioning from one position to next. I must have looked like a fool. But thankfully, there was no people around. The receptionist were just silently supporting from a far. When I was done, that’s the only time they turn the lights-off. They must have been waiting for me for a long time. I think I shoot for an hour. Haha!

And that’s a wrap! I’m now  in full smile because I managed to write a blog. Even if it’s so-so. Small step to get my writing energy back.

How about you? Did you experience this “I want to write, but I can’t just write” sort of thing? How did you overcome it? Any tips?

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