My Travel-Inspired Bujo for July 2020

Now that July has ended,I would just like to share my travel-inspired bullet journal. I am inspired by my longing to travel so I just did it with bullet journaling. Writing my thoughts in paper is tremendously therapeutic. If you are like me whose work and hobbies involves a lot of screen time, bullet journaling is a way to disconnect and ease your crowded mind. I totally recommend it.

These are two videos. The first one was how I made the initial set-up at the beginning of the month. The second one was the final flipthrough on how it came to be. So sit back and relax. I hope my spread will inspire you as it did to me.

July Plan with Me.

July 1-minute flipthrough with a sound of rain.

Some images of my favorite spreads.

Remember, you can write your own destiny and it’s not too late for everything,


For inquiries and collaborations, LET’s CONNECT!!!!!!

Youtube: Gurezu Reviews
Tiktok: gurezu